Helping a player, or facilitating laziness?

While wandering through some daily quests on the weekend a random player asked me about where to find motes of harmony. I thought it was funny that I’d written a post about this, and that Google keeps telling me it is one of the most popular (or at least often clicked) items I’ve written.

When I tried to speak to the player I found him a little…(ahem)…daft.

Where you get motes? .. Try the farm. Or kill the turtles in Karasang Wilds.
What farm? … The Tillers faction farm.
What do I do? …. Plant the songbell seeds
Then what? ….. (at which time I decided that the player was pulling my leg and I stopped responding)

Arrogant or not, there comes a point where I think a reasonable person will just stop responding. I was not sure if I was helping a player, or actually facilitating their ongoing laziness. If that player cannot google an answer, and also knows so little about the current expansion to know how to use a seed on the farm, then I’m not sure there is a point of reference.

It also makes me consider how many of these things I have, and so far I’ve crafted well over 5 items, which take 6-8 of the Spirits of Harmony. Then I have a bank with 100, and about 140 which I carry. That is around 240 motes left after spending around 350 motes on gear; total around 500 motes. If I’d actually been farming each day the number would be in the thousands but I gave up long ago after the gear was almost meh.

I think that a player should have found a use for them, or looked up where they come from after having them drop from random creatures.

Helping or hurting, I’m not sure.
